1. The protection of personal data of the buyer, who is a natural person, is provided in accordance with the relevant legal regulations, in particular Regulation of the European Parliament and the EU Council No. 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 and Act No. 101/2000 Coll., on the protection of personal data data, as amended.
2. The buyer acknowledges that the seller processes the following personal data of the buyer: first and last name, residential address, e-mail address and telephone number (hereafter collectively referred to as "personal data"), which the buyer communicates to him.
3. The buyer acknowledges that the seller processes the buyer's personal data for the purpose of fulfilling obligations from the concluded purchase contract (order records, delivery of goods), to fulfill the seller's legal obligations in keeping accounting and tax records (in the area of taxes and accounting) and for the purposes protection of the rights and legitimate interests of the seller (enforcing claims from the contract, sending commercial messages to existing customers). The buyer's consent to the processing of personal data for the above purposes is not required.
4. The buyer acknowledges that he is obliged to provide his personal data (during registration, in his user account, when ordering from the web interface of the store) correctly and truthfully, and that he is obliged to inform the seller without undue delay of a change in his personal data.
5. The seller can entrust the processing of the buyer's personal data to a third party as a processor. With the exception of the persons transporting the goods, personal data will not be transferred by the seller to third parties without the prior consent of the buyer.
6. Personal data will be processed for the period necessary to ensure mutual rights and obligations arising from the concluded purchase contract, and for the purpose of sending commercial messages, then for an indefinite period (until unsubscribing from sending commercial messages). Personal data will be processed in electronic form in an automated manner or in printed form in a non-automated manner.
7. The buyer has the right to access his personal data and to correct incorrect, incomplete or out-of-date personal data. The buyer has the right to demand an explanation from the seller if he believes that his personal data is being processed in violation of the law or the protection of his personal life, and if this assumption proves to be reasonable, the buyer is entitled to demand the correction of the defective state. In particular, this may involve blocking, correcting, supplementing, deleting personal data or restricting the processing of personal data. If the buyer's request according to the previous sentence is found to be justified, the seller will remove the objectionable condition immediately. If the seller does not comply with the request, the buyer has the right to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection directly. This provision does not affect the right of the buyer to contact the Office for Personal Data Protection directly.
8 The seller will provide the buyer with more detailed information on the processing of personal data upon request via the e-mail address In the same way, the buyer is entitled to exercise all rights related to the processing of personal data with the seller.
9. If the buyer requests information about the processing of his personal data, the seller is obliged to provide him with this information.
10. The buyer can at any time express his disagreement with the sending of commercial communications by the seller, by a written notification sent to the seller by e-mail or post
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